September 21, 2010

An Important Announcement to NCLA Members

The NCLA Board of Directors has approved several cost saving measures which will go in effect this fall. Members will see an increase in electronic communication as it will now be the primary way you will receive information from NCLA. This includes Libraries Alive, beginning with the January 2010 issue.

The national organization has been facing financial challenges, particularly in the past two years, and these cost saving measures enable us to maintain high quality member resources and keep your membership dues affordable. This change will not only save the organization a significant amount of money, but it will also create wonderful new opportunities for expanding the amount and type of information you receive.

Added benefits!
•Faster and easier access. When each new issue of Libraries Alive is released, an email will be sent to you. Within minutes, it can be shared with your library team. Each person will have the option to read the electronic copy and opt to print a physical copy, with no extra subscription fees charged.

•Easier searching. New and past issues are available from the Member Resources section of the NCLA website at Members can quickly and easily search and scan issues, eliminating old methods of hunting through stacks of paper copies to retrieve articles.

•Storage solutions. Members no longer need to save copies of old issues. Log in to Member Resources and find a library of resources at your fingertips any time you need them.

•New features. Click on a link and be directed immediately to a resource, book or event highlighted in the articles, reviews, sidebars, calendars and library product ads.

•More flexibility. The number of pages can grow to accommodate longer articles and more reviews.

•Environmental responsibility. In one year, printing Libraries Alive uses 72,000 sheets of paper! And the pollution caused by printer’s ink, as well as the energy and fuel used in processing and delivery are other environmental impacts we can lessen.

Setting up your email account
To receive Libraries Alive and other NCLA member communication, all members must have a working email address on file with us. If you do not have an email address on file with NCLA please send it to us (by email) to:

We know that some of you do not have an email account or computer in your library or home. There are several free email service providers available, and setting up an email account with them is easy. We’ve listed links to three popular free email service providers below. Email from any of these can be accessed using any computer with an Internet connection—you can get your email at home, church, the public library or a local coffee shop. Contact the NCLA office (Tues., Wed., or Thurs., 8a-2p Central Time) or ask your church staff or local public librarian for help setting up an email account.

Google Gmail

Yahoo Mail

Windows Live Hotmail

If you do not wish to set up a personal email account, we ask you to provide an email address of someone at your church or a friend who is willing to receive and print the information for you. If you have any questions or need assistance setting up an email account, contact the NCLA office at 651-430-0770 or

Thank you for your help making this transition a success!
Your NCLA Board of Directors and Staff